Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Miner Chapter 2 Trampling Out the Vintage, 1855-1865

This chapter begins with the story of Quantrill's raid on Lawrence. It specifically tells the story of Robert Stevens and Charles and Sara Robinson and their experience during the horror. I immediately wondered where I could find primary accounts of the raid.

The way I would teach this would be to share the personal stories of what happened to peak my students' interest and have them come up with the question on their own, "Why?" Once I have their attention, they will be more interested in what led to this.

I also found interesting where Miner writes of the initial impression Kansas made on pioneers versus the view of the state a short time later. My students may find it interesting that much of what we complain about today was also an issue then. I could take this further and discuss how that experience impacted who settled (and stayed) in Kansas. How is Kansas impacted today because of this?


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