Monday, November 21, 2005

Miner Chapter 6: Chastened and Changed

Kansas has gone through periods of peace and period of conflict. This chapter is about yet another period of conflict in Kansas history. During WWI, people were harrassed if they didn't purchase war bonds. German immigrants were the focus of many people's aggression if they didn't display the American flag or purchase the bonds. There was a fear of socialism and many tried to stifle the rhetoric coming out of newpapers like Girards Appeal to Reason. The KKK turned on many more groups than just blacks. All the while, industry is developing and Kansas is prospering. This was a turbulent time and the tolerance was not a virtue of the average Kansan.

There are a number of ways I could use the information in this chapter. I could use the debate about immigrants then compared to the controversy about immigrants today. Students could address the question of whether or not immigrants take American jobs (then and now).


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