Sunday, November 20, 2005

Richmond Chapter 16: Changing Times: The Second World War and Its Aftermath

WWII is given credit for bringing the U.S. out of the depression. That was especially true in Kansas. With money coming in for airplanes, munitions, and for the expansion of forts Leavenworth and Riley, soon more people were also moving into Kansas. For most Kansans, wages went up as they moved out of the depression.

The war did increase the debate over prohibition. Basically, people want to drink during difficult times like war. Using Prohibition to discuss current issues over illegal substances would be a great way to bring this to life. The debate over prohibition could become more relevant to them.

Because WWII changed Kansas so much, a good activity for students would be to select one area such as population, average income, etc., to chart before and after the war on these issues.


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