Monday, November 07, 2005

Hist 813: Primary Sources 7 November, 2005

This blog is for the week of October 31. Due to an illness and pure forgetfulness, I am late submitting it.

Recently, our department was asked to create assignments that focused on persuasive reading. Before beginning this program, I might have been intimidated by this task. However, that was not the case. Not only was I able to find appropriate primary sources that fit the task easily, I was able to direct my colleagues in finding and using these sources. From my experience with eHIKES and my "surfing" assingments with this class, I have become quite proficient in locating and these and turning them into learning experiences.

The area I primarily focused on for my part was speeches. You cannot get more persuasive than that. I used the holdings at the Library of Congress and American Rhetoric to find what I needed.


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