Friday, September 09, 2005

Richmond Chapter 2: Exploration of the Great Plains

Chapter 2 of Richmond’s book tells of the early expeditions to Kansas and surrounding areas. It is interesting to read all of the primary accounts of the first impressions of early explorers. Also, there were so many things that happened that could have altered Kansas History entirely. For example, the defeat of Pedro de Villasur by the Pawnee in Nebraska led to diminished Spanish influence in the area (including Kansas). Had this not happened, how might Kansas be different today?

I definitely would use the primary accounts from this chapter in my classroom. I would also locate others so that my students can form their own interpretations. I have a number of transient students (military families) that I could pose the question, “how are their first impressions similar or different from your first impression of Kansas?” Also, I would lead a discussion about Pike’s recommendation to have the U.S. border stop at the Missouri river. How might that have changed Kansas History.
Because my school is near Leavenworth, I would definitely discuss the Lewis and Clark camp near Fort Leavenworth. If possible, a field trip to the area would be an incredible way to make the topic personal to my students.


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